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48”x 60” mixed media on canvas The Silver Cord in Kundalini, often called the sutratma or life thread of antahkarana, refers to a life-giving linkage from the higher self (atma) down to the physical body. In astral projection, it is what connects the self to the Self during travels insuring safe return. The cord does not severe, as in the point of no return, during NDE’s and OOBE’s. The light-based shimmering essence of connection ties the avatar to its Source, the One True Thing, the Everythingness, the All, the Is, the godhead. The Silver “Chord” is that sound, that ineffable sound, which is the one true chord, the sonic revelation, the sound of Oneness. Now more than ever, we need hope and we need inspiration. In your heart, you intuitively understand what I’m saying. There is a ring to Truth, a sound, the Silver Chord. Like Truth, you recognize it when you hear it.

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